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Shamanic Journeying & Journey To Rewilding Oracle Cards

A yellow and orange sun with black background

Journey to Rewilding Oracle Cards


JourneyToRewilding by MiaBosna

Journey to Rewilding
Oracle Cards

Guided Meditation & Shamanic Journeys to assist threatened species

Join us for an introduction to Shamanic Journeying and to learn the special gifts of local threatened species. Rewilding refers not only to the restoration of habitats and species but also to the rewilding of ourselves. Guided meditations will begin our explorations and prepare us for shamanic journeying. We’ll experience the key messages of these species in response to our focused intentions and questions of importance. This class is for beginners as well as those interested in incorporating this oracle deck to expand their spiritual practice.

The deck of cards and companion book will be provided for use during the workshop and are available for purchase at the end of the class for $25.


Thursday • July 11, 2024 •  6:30 – 8:30 pm

9 Hahnstown Road • Ephrata PA 17522

The Yoga Place – Register here >

Resiliency and Restoration

Accessing the medicine of threatened species through the Shamanic Journey

We are living in extraordinary times that call for great resiliency and restoration for our natural world and personal challenges. We will be utilizing The Journey To Rewilding Oracle Cards of threatened species to access unique ways of perceiving our world through their gifts and talents. Rewilding refers not only to the restoration of habitats and species but also to the rewilding of ourselves.  The shamanic journey process will help us communicate with those in a non-ordinary reality (spirit realm) and understand a new perspective on resiliency & restoration for our specific intention. We will be defining what is truly most important to us and asking for insights into these issues.

The Journey To Rewilding Oracle Cards and companion book will be provided for use during the workshop and are available for purchase at the end of the class for $25.


(To be announced)

9 Hahnstown Road • Ephrata PA 17522

The Yoga Place – Register here >

Resiliency and Restoration

The Gifts of Threatened Species

World Wildlife Day • Every Day

Facilitated by Mia Bosna

Date:  Sunday • March 3, 2024

Time: 3pm – 5pm

Location: Lancaster, PA

Maximum participants: 8 (This class is full and is no longer accepting participants)

This deck introduces us to the unique ways of perceiving our world through the gifts and talents of these species and habitats. This is a divinatory process that combines guided meditations and exercises that access these special talents of the species. We will be defining what is truly most important to us and looking at these issues through the lens of the species.

Fee: $40

Each participant will have access to a card deck for the workshop and may be purchased at the end of the workshop.

Journey To Rewilding Oracle Deck

Insights of the Holistic Steward

Threatened Species

Facilitated by Mia Bosna

DATE:  Sunday, May 26, 2024

TIME: 11:00 am – 2:30 pm  (with lunch break)

LOCATION: Radiance and Herbs from the Labyrinth

13 W Grant St, Lancaster, PA 17603

COST: $45.

SIGN UP: 717-290-1517, or stop in to register.

Maximum participants: 10 (sold out)

Join us for an introduction to Shamanic Journeying and an oracle deck focused on threatened species and their special gifts.

Shamanic Journeying skills will assist us to meet our spiritual guides to gain insights as Holistic Stewards. For the beginner who is curious to meet animal spirit guides and those interested in connecting with species most in need. Together we can investigate our role as collaborators in the restoration of ourselves and other sentient beings of this earth. The Journey To Rewilding Oracle Card Set merges spirituality and conservation, fostering compassion for local animal friends, and offers a unique approach to shift our reality toward positive outcomes.

Each participant will have a deck of cards and a companion book to use for the workshop which can be purchased after the workshop.

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Introduction to Shamanic Journeying

Shamanism is an ancient spiritual practice that exists on every continent dating back 40,000 years. This spiritual practice is based on the concept of animism, which holds that all of nature possesses a spiritual essence. Our ancestors believed that our health and survival depended on maintaining a relationship between the natural and spiritual worlds.

Come and learn core Shamanic methods that will allow you to shift into a trance state with the aid of a traditional frame drum. We will enter a “non-ordinary†reality that allows us to explore with a clear intention, meet with our spiritual guides and receive information that addresses this intention. We will meet with our most important spiritual guide that is known as a Power Animal and learn about their gifts and talents and how they guide and protect us.


June 27, 2024  •  6:30 – 8:30 pm

9 Hahnstown Road • Ephrata PA 17522

The Yoga Place – Register here >

Meet Your Power Animal

Introduction to Shamanic Journeying

Who is the special being who has been your spiritual guide since birth? What are their special gifts? Our ancestors believed that our health and survival depended on maintaining a relationship between the natural and spiritual worlds. Let’s explore the path of the shaman and discover the non-ordinary worlds where we can access spiritual guidance. This workshop introduces the basics of journeying and meeting our Power Animal. The term “Power Animal†is a way to distinguish this animal guide which is one that we will have for most or all of our lives from other animal guides that offer specialized talents. We will look at an issue of importance through the lens of our power animals to learn how they can help us.


(To be announced)

9 Hahnstown Road • Ephrata PA 17522

The Yoga Place – Register here >


Journey to Rewilding Oracle Deck & Qigong

Facilitated by Rona Cordish Satten & Mia Bosna

Date to be announced.

Sign up to be contacted for this workshop.

Rewilding Through Divination & Dance

Facilitated by Mia Bosna & Christine Hopkins

Date to be announced.

Sign up to be contacted for this workshop.

A Day of Perceiving the Frequencies of Nature

Tibetan Singing Bowls & Journey To Rewilding Oracle Deck

Facilitated by Mia Bosna and Denise Mihalik

One Full-day workshop. No shamanic journeying experience is required.

Come and learn how to work with the Oracle Deck while embodying the healing frequencies of the Tibetan Singing Bowl.

Date to be announced.

Sign up to be contacted for this workshop.

The Nature of Our Stories

Writing Our Rewilding Story

Facilitated by Mia Bosna and Anne W.R.

One day workshop. No shamanic journeying experience is required.

Join us as we take a divinatory path with the Journey to Rewilding Oracle Deck and explore through writing our heartfelt stories of restoration.

Date to be announced.

Sign up to be contacted for this workshop.

Past Workshops

• Chakra Totem Workshop – weekend exploration • Each Chakra carries a particular kind of energy that can take many different forms. Many of these can be understood through a similar animal, mineral or plant or spirit energy. This is an amazing way to check in with your body and sense where you need to bring your attention to maintain good health (mind-body-spirit).

• Creative Healing Arts Series – 7 week class to explore the Creative Healing Arts of the Shaman. A collaboration of Shamanic Journeying & practitioners specializing in each healing art process.

• The Essence of Our Life Purpose – 2 hour or full day workshop

• Meet Your Power Animals – Introductory Class. 2 Hours or weekend exploration. • Who is the special being who has been watching over you since birth? What are their special gifts?

• Even Lions Need to Rest – Restoration & Healing Practices of The Shaman – 2 hour or full day workshop

Sign up for notification of workshops

J2R Page -Subscription Form

“If you want to discover the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”

~ Nikola Tesla


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