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Journey to Rewilding
Threatened Species Oracle Cards

Animal Totem Oracle Cards Prototype

Purchase Companion Book and Oracle Cards $25 + shipping

Purchase now while a limited number of boxed sets are available.
A Kickstarter campaign will launch in 2025 enabling larger quantities. Join my email list to be contacted for this upcoming event. Thank you!


Purchase now while a limited number of boxed sets are available. A Kickstarter campaign will start in October enabling larger quantities. Join my email list to be contacted for this upcoming event. Thank you!

Workshops for 2025 to be posted soon. 

Join this mailing list for Oracle Deck events and workshops.

Oracle Deck contact (#9)

Start Your Rewilding Journey at Home

Love of nature and creativity are powerful energies and are needed to help our animal friends. These cards are designed to help you participate in assisting threatened species, no matter if you have big or small pockets, good health, or a challenging illness.

Weaving together the spiritual and the scientific, these cards and the accompanying booklet help people engage quickly with basic scientific information about the species and their habitats and food sources, along with suggested guided meditations and shamanic journeys.

This project activates skills that are being studied and incorporated into our current thinking about consciousness and the mind. We can amplify our concern for nature and our environment by pooling our energies together through positive meditation, shamanic journeying, and other spiritual practices aimed at supporting and strengthening the natural world.

“If you want to discover the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”  ~ Nikola Tesla

Empowering local changes
one species at a time

Oracle Cards & Companion Book

This boxed set contains fifty-four cards representing various species and habitats found in North America that are currently listed as threatened.

• These cards are designed to inspire new friendships with our wild animal neighbors so we can learn how to support them and the habitats we share.

• Understand your connection to threatened species through the divinatory process.

• Suggested Meditations, shamanic journeys and other related materials for personal growth and how to connect with local threatened species

• Creative visualizations to help envision vibrancy and abundance for all species. Where you focus your energy, positive change follows, creating a ripple effect for all living beings.

In the studio with Mia Bosna
Threatened species

“If the world is to be healed through human efforts, I am convinced it will be by ordinary people, people whose love for this life is even greater than their fear.”

~ Joanna Macy

artists for conservation - pg73

Page 73 • Mia Bosna


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